Farewell Friends

Hey! If you have tears please do not shed,
And while weeping do not make your eyes wet.
The things i want to tell you aren’t for fun,
I want to thank you all for standing with me as one.
Many moments came some were bad, some were good,
But, we stood and motivated each other whenever we could.
Now i have to leave you all behind,
But just keep my words in your mind.
Do not worry when you don’t find me near,
Just keep me in your mind and don’t shed a single tear.
I want to thank you all for all you have done for me,
I was just alone and you made me a part of ‘WE’.
Now i’m speechless and can find my emotions chime.
Look! What a situation is imposed on us by time.

House of time

There is nothing remarkable here,except the written records,

Words hung up from the ceiling like some swords.

Some people don’t understand what time has to say,

To them time’s just like a bundle of hay.

People build monuments so they could be remembered,

But, they don’t know time will leave them gambled.

Nothing in this world is immortal,

Except these words they’ll make everyone’s heart throttle.

Everything in this world would end up some day,

But, these records will remain till doomsday.

My words will remain in intelligent’s eyes,

When other will read this they’ll sigh.

And when you will come near to your end you will hear these words rhyme,

Welcoming you all in the house of time.